Studying the pre-disease conditions and the disease early stages as well as their mechanisms is of particular relevance for modern preventive medicine. We need ideas, health preserving programs and not those just favoring curing diseases. The outcomes of numerous studies carried out at the Department of Pathological Physiology devoted to the bacterial endotoxinemia importance for dysregulation and pathology appearance suggest that changes in the apparatus of nervous and endocrine regulation of the energy and plastic processes in the body during bacterial endotoxinemia depend on its severity, on the accompanying neurotransmitter and hormonal imbalance relevant to ensure the interaction of various organs and systems, forms of various states of the body. Lack of detoxification and endotoxin-eliminating liver function is a key link in the transformation of endotoxinemia as a physiological phenomenon into a pathogenic process and in the dysregulation pathology occurrence. The ambiguous orientation and nature of changes in the body energy and plastic support, heat transfer processes, their neurotransmitter, hormonal and humoral support in the development of endotoxinemia are largely due to changes in the chemoreactive properties of neurons and, in particular, the activity of adrenoreactive systems of the hypothalamic region of the brain. The data obtained suggests that endotoxinemia is an essential component of the mechanism of development of the general adaptation syndrome, the prodromal period (pre-illness) and the pathogenesis of the nonspecific symptom complex of various major human and animal diseases. The significance of endotoxinemia, of the insufficiency of the detoxification function of the liver in the formation of pre-disease as an obligate universal factor in the pathogenesis of diseases is experimentally substantiated. This defines new opportunities for preventing and treating major diseases of humans and animals.

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Автор(ы): F. I. Vismont